Conquer Your Market With
We are in a Reputation Economy -- What is your Companies' Reputation?

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Our Promise To You
...Make Your Business Soar Higher

We know it can be overwhelming trying to find online the prospective customers, clients, or patients you need. The prospects are out there, but what is the best way to reach them?

If you’re searching for a proven digital experts to help you find new customers, we’re here to help. Our team has years of experience and a proven history of helping businesses fuel their growth.

We started our agency to be in service to businesses like yours and to take your business to the next level of success. We will do the hard work of attracting new customers for you so you can focus on making your business extraordinary.

Call Us Now

Hear What Clients Like You Are Saying About Us:
Steve Young - Increase Your Profits
Steve Y.

By far a leading expert in the field of social media and reputation marketing.  Great provider and solid company!
Our Products
Your Expert Guide To More Customers

Proprietary Strategies To Help Increase Your Traffic And Multiply Your Revenue

Get stellar reviews and blow away your competition. We’ll teach you to market your 5-Star status to dominate your market.

Capture 100% of your website visitors after they’ve left your site. Reach them when they’re ready to buy to 10X your marketing!

Drive more ready-to-buy traffic to your website. Find your dream clients online with our proprietary traffic strategies.
That Convert

Attract your ideal customers and make them convert. We design stunning websites that turn your visitors into new customers.
Social Media

Grab the attention of your customers and find new prospects easily with our cutting edge social media marketing strategies.

Turn the names on your email list into money in the bank. Highly targeted email campaigns can return up to 40X what they cost.

We create some of the highest-converting videos in the industry, from reputation videos to expert interviews to online offers.

Get high-quality leads for your team every day. We’ll do the hard work to deliver the contacts you need to grow your business.
CALL US TODAY (928) 451-7500

Online video offers can convert at over 20%. We create innovative offers that keep your customers coming back again and again.
Local Search Engine
Optimization (SEO)

Our products concentrate on your website structure and Google best practices for ranking along with review site citations (name, address, phone).
Business Process Maps
Our mapping software lets you create plans and processes for all areas of your business, including sales, marketing, HR, and more.
Relationship Marketing
Bridge the gap between high-tech marketing and using a personal touch.  Our proven system gives you another "touch" element to attract and keep more of you ideal customers, clients, or patients.
CALL US TODAY 928 224-9650
Listen To What Our Clients Say…
Because It’s Our Clients That Matter Most
Best Experience Ever!

Ben Shor

Source Media Group has an unique Reputation system that I haven't seen anywhere else that gives a business not only the ability to manage their reputation, but to build and market their reputation to get more customers.  Give SMG a call.

Dharmesh Vora

Source Media Group is by far the most professional and responsive marketing company I've worked with -- highly recommended.
Answered My Questions.

Scott Orr

Larry and I have developed a solid relationship and Source Media Group is an important part of our business. Professional, detail oriented and doesn't drop the ball.

Video Display Ad To Convert More Customers
For a limited time we will give you access to our professional design team that will create a FREE $800 Video Display AD for you.
Targeted Paid Traffic Strategies
Find Ready-To-Buy Customers With Paid Traffic Strategy

Bring visitors to your site that are primed to buy. We’ll target the perfect keywords and customers with laser precision to bring you traffic that converts.

We’ll optimize advertising campaigns on Google, Facebook, and more to get the most out of every penny you spend.
Stunning Websites That Convert
Turn Visitors Into Customers With A Website That Drives Sales

Your website needs to work hard to convert visitors into paying customers. Just looking great isn’t enough.

We design stunning, mobile-ready websites that load fast, rank well, and convert new customers. Demand more from your website and blow away your competition.

Our website was crafted with our proprietary strategies and platform.

Learn What Makes A Website Convert

See Our Website Portfolio
These are just an example of some of our stunning websites foucus on our strategy of getting more customer, clients, and patients.

Go To Website Portfolio

Our Proprietary 10X
Retargeting Strategy
10X Your Marketing By Capturing 100% Of Your Website Visitors

Stay in front of your web visitors and continue to market to them LONG AFTER they have left your page.

Our proprietary 10X retargeting strategy puts you in front of your customers when they’re ready to buy, whether that’s today, tomorrow, or three weeks from now.
The 5-Star Reputation
Marketing Strategy
Bury Your Competition With An Online Reputation That Steals New Customers

90% of people regularly use online reviews to make shopping decisions. You need to give customers a reason to choose you over your competitors.

We’ll help you get more reviews, manage the bad ones, and market your 5-star reputation to send customers flocking to your door.
Superior Social Media Strategies
Connect With Your Target Market And Generate Leads With Social Media
Connect with your ideal customer 24/7 on their computer or smartphone with attention-grabbing social media posts.

Our proven social media strategies can help you attract new customers, engage your current ones and be sure your business stays on your customers’ minds.

Get 30 Days Of Free Social Media

Effort-Free Lead Generation

Fuel Your Growth With High-Quality Leads Every Single Day

Our proprietary conversion strategies can deliver warm leads for your business each and every day.

Don’t pay for expensive conversion funnels, no new websites or landing pages. Just pay per lead and we’ll deliver the new customers you need to help grow your business.

Call Us Today

Video Marketing Done For You
Put Yourself In Front Of More Buyers With High-Converting Videos
Video increases landing page conversion rates by up to 80%. Use attention-grabbing videos to convert new visitors into customers in minutes.

Our state-of-the-art video strategies engage, educate and CONVERT your customers through your website, social media and more.

112% Higher Conversions:

Don’t Fall For These Marketing Myths:
You need a ton of website traffic for marketing to be effective.
 As few as 100 visitors to your website could give you all the customers you can handle. You don’t need thousands of monthly visitors to grow. You need strategies like retargeting, high-converting websites, and irresistible video offers that help convert your traffic into paying customers quickly and easily.

A great-looking website will increase my sales.
96% OF YOUR VISITORS DON’T CONTACT YOU OR PURCHASE.  A professional looking website won’t explode your sales on its own. Your website must be designed to convert. Better storytelling, irresistible offers, and a 5-star reputation can turn a “good-looking” website into a sales-converting machine.

My business is too small for marketing automation.
Almost ANY BUSINESS can benefit from strategies that get the best offer in front of the right customer at the perfect moment. Advances in technology mean that the high-efficiency precision of automated marketing isn’t just for giant corporations anymore. Let us show you how it could help grow your sales by up to 300%!
Business Process Mapping Software
Problem: Do you run an existing business that isn't performing as well as it should?

Solution: Our business mapping software allows you to map out the plans, processes, procedures, and strategies you need to build a successful and profitable business.

Stop Wasting Your Time With...
  • Trying to creating business plans and processes from scratch
  • Unclear strategies that your team can’t understand
  • Overpaying for complicated software that does not deliver on its promise
Our business mapping software gives you the tools you need to easily create effective processes, procedures, and strategies for every area of your business -- try if FREE

Click to Gain Free Access

Relationship Marketing
Attract and Keep Customers Through Appreciation
  • Define your business brand and build it with friendship, celebration, and service
  • Focus on relationship 80% and marketing 20% of the time
  • Bridge the gap between high-tech and a personal touch

People do business with people they know, like, and trust -- if the remember you.  Our campaign follow up system will keep your business top of mind with your customers, clients, or patients.

Send A Thank You Card for FREE

Who We Are:
Dedicated To Finding You New Customers In Under 30 Days
With years of expertise in everything from driving traffic to video content and social media, our unique approach to marketing can make a difference in your business in as little as a few days or weeks.

We know that it’s hard for businesses to keep up with the latest strategies to maximize their profits. That’s why we’re here. We are passionate about helping businesses like yours find the newest and best ways to drive waves of new customers to your door.

And we don’t stop with driving traffic. Our strategies help you find new customers, engage them, and convert them, without wasting your precious time or resources. Let us worry about finding your new customers so that you can focus on your business.
Meet Part of Our Incredible Team:
Passionate And Driven Marketing Professionals
Larry Battin

Larry is the principal leader at SMGi and is an online and reputation marketing specialist serving local, regional, and international business owners to help build and market their 5-Star online reputation. Larry is an Air Force veteran having severed 20 years in the US, Pacific, and Europe. He also worked for a Fortune 250 company for 14 years as a senior test engineer also marketing technical services to US government and commercial companies.

Sara Answorth
 Sara is our senior client manager helping all of our clients with their marketing campaigns.  Sara comes from the retail and online sector. She treats all our clients with respect and knowledge to get the most out of SMGi's products and services.

Frequently Asked Questions
How Effective Is Email Marketing To Increase Business?
Email marketing generates up to $40 for every dollar you spend! It continues to consistently produce the BEST ROI of any marketing channel. Stop boring your email list with “company newsletters.” Instead, target your list of interested customers with truly compelling offers and the results could blow you away!

What’s The Fastest Way To Get 5 Star Reviews?
The best way to get 5 star reviews is to ask for them! Too often, only frustrated customers leave reviews. Our Reputation Marketing Services will show you how to convince your best customers to leave you positive reviews quickly. Let us show you how to get FIVE 5-star reviews in under 5 days!

Which Is Better? SEO or Paid Traffic?
You need BOTH a Paid Traffic strategy AND an SEO strategy to dominate your competition online. Paid Traffic gets more visitors to your website NOW to help generate leads and drive sales. A focused SEO strategy helps keep you ahead of the competition in search rankings in the long-term, attracting low-cost and relevant visitors every single day.
How Do I Get My Website To Convert Better?
Increase your conversions by retargeting 100% of your web visitors. Don't let buyers get away! Retargeting is more cost-effective than PPC marketing, television, radio, and most other mediums. Capture customers you KNOW are interested for just pennies to get as much as 10X the value out of every dollar you spend.

What’s The Best Way To Get More Visitors To My Website?
Paid traffic is the BEST way to get more visitors, sales, and conversions immediately. By targeting your ideal customer with laser-precision, you can find high-converting traffic that is ready to buy. After they’ve visited once, retargeting them to keep your company top-of-mind and make sure they’re thinking about YOU when it’s time to purchase.

Does Video Marketing Really Increase Sales?
Absolutely! Conversion rates for pages with video are up to 80% higher. That means that video delivers a lot MORE customers, MORE leads, and MORE sales. Viewers retain up to 90% of what they watch in video (vs 10% for text), so if you want visitors to remember your business tomorrow, video marketing is 100% the best way to do it.
CALL US TODAY 928 224-9650
Source Media Group FB Offer
We capture 96% of visitors to our website with this Ad and market across the internet to them for 90 days.  Find out how we do it.
Make Your Marketing Takeoff To Get More Customers, Clients, or Patients
Our main office is in Cornville, Arizona, but we are a virtual agency with clients in the US and internationally.
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Online Marketing & Made in USA by SMGi